Here is example code to call a VI from a Visual Basic Script (VBS) using ActiveX. I don't include it as an attachment since it would certainly trigger antivirus warning...
' Reference to LabVIEW Application
Dim lvapp
' Reference to called VI
Dim viref
' Path to file VI or only the VI name if it
' is already in memory
VIname = "c:\mydir\"
VIPassword = ""
' Set resvForCall to True to invoke the Call method
' Set to False to invoke the Run method
resvForCall = True
' Name(s) of the control of the VI
' that receives the data and indicators to read.
' They must be on the connector pane.
Dim paramNames
paramNames = Array("Input1","Output1")
' Value of control(s)on call. Values
' of indicators is irrelevant
Dim paramVals
paramVals = Array("GetOutput1","")
' Open a connection to ActiveX VI Server
set lvapp = WScript.CreateObject("labview.Application")
' get a VI reference
set viref = lvapp.GetVIReference(VIname,VIPassword,resvForCall)
' call the VI
viref.Call paramNames,paramVals
' Value of Output1 is the second element
' of paramVals
The Run method is simpler. You don't have to specify arguments paramNames and paramVals, just invoke
viref.RunTo call a VBS from LabVIEW the most simple is to call the System with the command line: "wscript.exe [vbs path]".
You can also use ActiveX to create and execute vbscripts and javascripts without a file copy. Download from the "Microsoft Script Control" ActiveX controls. There are quite intuitive methods calls to set and run scripts.