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CDAQ-9133 with Windows

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I have noticed that there is not much information available that helps me start making VIs for cDAQ 9133 with windows installed.


I have experience with cDAQ RT but not with cDAQ windows. I just switched on the cDAQ for the first time and it shows there is no space left!!!


How can I create VIs if there is no space in the controller? Is there a way to manage the space? 

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Message 1 of 5

Hi Qaiser,


Have you taken a look at our article on freeing up space on your cDAQ Controller? I linked it below!


How Can I Free up Some Storage Space in My cDAQ Controller?


Let us know if this fixed your issue! 

Setu P.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Setu,


Unfortunately there is no folder by that name in C. But there was a folder by the name of IMAGES which had drivers (Installers) for the Chipset, Graphics,Network, USB3 which I removed from C drive. This gave me 480 MB to work with.



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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Qaiser

Hi Qaiser,


The issue her is that the embedded controllers are designed for deploying applications and not as development systems.


The best practice is to install the Run-Time engines on your cRIO-9133 for the software you are trying to use, develop your VIs on a different machine, and then deploy the application on your controller. The article linked below is where is where I found these suggestions:


---- Link ----

Memory is Full on my Embedded cDAQ Controller



Keep us posted on your progress!

Setu P.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
Message 4 of 5

Thanks Setu.

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Message 5 of 5