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Building an array from values in two structures.........



I am working on an application that loads one of several VIs into the subpanel control on the main window. Each VI displays a certain part of the main system

The user  types the name of the VI and by presses return or enter(Num Pad) key . Any VI that is loaded has its ID saved in an array. This to allow

the user to move back and forth through displays loaded so far in a session. By using shift registers the array builds fine. 


 Some of the newer VIs have butons that open a detailed diagram etc for a particular component. This is straightforward using an even structure however the

IDs of these 'subdiagrams' loaded through a mouse event also need to be saved in the same array. Essentially I am trying to combine VI   IDs from a case structure (key press) and an event structure handling mouse events.


Any suggestions would be welcome


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Store your vi names in a Action Engine

Ben's famous Action Engine Nugget is always a good read.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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