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Avoiding "specified resource reserved" error message

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Hi all,


My question is as follows: I have two Labview VI's each using a DAQ assistant to collect analog voltage from various channels. While one VI collects data from 3 channels @ 1000Hz, the other one just gets one sample on demand from a fourth channel. Now when I run them simultaneously, I get the error "specified resource is reserved". Please note that I don't want the two VI's to be clubbed into a single task. I want them separate since one is for accelerometers and another is for "startpad". I call these VI's from my Visual C# code. I read in another thread saying that this is not possible. But as long as they are using different channels, I don't understand why this can't be done. Is there some way that I can circumvent this problem?


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Yashwant

No, you cannot avoid the error and most of the other threads explain why. Your card has a single convert clock. You card has muxes all of the analog inputs into a single A/D that uses the single convert clock. The single clock means you simply cannot have two different rates. You will either have to combine all of the channels into a single task (don't know what 'club' means) or run them one at a time.


Of course you could always get a second DAQ card as well.

Message 2 of 3
Dennis, Thank you for your reply. Now I understand that there is only one clock per card and I cannot collect samples at different rates in different VI's. I'm going to try to combine them into one single VI and might need some help again. Of course, I can get a new DAQ but I will give it a shot to prevent that. Btw, when I said "club", I meant combine :).
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