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Automation testing tool for labview built applications

My company is looking for  an automation testing tool to test/validate our LabVIEW-built application. I need the tool to be able to click buttons in our application, fill text fields, and analyze what it sees on our application windows. Once the test automation suite is ready we would like to integrate it with CI tool called Azure Devops.  Do you know if any of those tools would be able to do that? I saw this video( but there are not enough resources available online about this approach. I also found online that few labview specific libraries available such as 'LabVIEW Interface for Selenium WebDriver' and 'LV Selenium' which are designed to interact with the LabVIEW application but did not find much details about the same.Is it really available?


I am not in favor of picture recognition based test tool(for e.g. sikuli) as they are not reliable enough. Please help me with suggestions about the test automation tool which can be integrated with azure devops

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Most of the readily available tools are for testing VI. For examples, Using the Unit Test Framework for Software Testing and Validation and Caraya Unit Test Framework Toolkit for LabVIEW.


For built exe, you can try Solved: Automated testing of a LabVIEW executable with a GUI

Control Lead | Intelline Inc
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