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Automating canalyzer using labview

I am new to Labview and I have been trying to automate a cancasexl(Canalyzer) using Labview. I have tried to transmit a message using "Vector XL Driver - LabVIEW wrappers" (link: Vector XL Driver - LabVIEW wrappers - NI Community).
But this model, I can just see an error light blinking in my cancasexl but not sure what the reason is. I think am not able to select the channel in this vi. Does anyone know how to solve it? Or are there any alternatives for doing this.

I can see so many posts point to Community (NI) Example: this no longer available, I guess.
Thanks, in advance.

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Message 1 of 4

What is the error you're getting?

What settings are you using?

It's hard to guess what the problem is without you posting some code, screenshots or details of your configuration.



Also, just to clarify, Canalyser is a software tool developed by Vector. A cancasexl is (old) hardware also developed by Vector but you can control it using the LabVIEW library you referenced. You can use both at the same time on the same cancasexl, but you have to slightly change the way you call the functions in LabVIEW. is an old defunct link to the document you referenced: Vector XL Driver - LabVIEW wrappers - NI Community

Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
Message 2 of 4

Hi Troy,
Thanks for your reply. 
My ultimate goal is to automate transmitting and receiving can signals in cancasexl from LabVIEW.
I ran the transmit example as shown in figure as such. But I am not sure if the configuration is right or wrong. I actually don't have any can piggies connected, my device manager is showing only the cancase xl as in the attachment. 
There is no error visible in LABVIEW, only the error light in cancase blinks.

I have tried sending messages in canalyzer using virtual can bus 1 channel 1 as configuration and it worked. But I don't know how to configure this without canpiggies. Can you please suggest me, I am new to all of these.


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Message 3 of 4

From what I see in image (11).png, you have configured CAN to be 250KBd with extended (29bit) IDs and are using the first channel (hwChannel 0) and the first CANcaseXL (hwIndex 0) plugged in.


I think there would be an error if there was no CAN piggy??? CAN "piggies" are what Vector calls the internal tranceiver daughter boards inside the CANcaseXL. Are you referring to other nodes on the bus? 


There must be at least one other CAN node connected to the bus and it must be configured with the same BAUD rate. Otherwise there is nothing to ACK the CAN frame as being transmitted without errors.  The red LED on the CANcaseXL may indicate that no other nodes on the bus have acknowledged the transmitted message.


If there is another properly configured node on the bus, is it connected and terminated properly? (E.g. At least 120R terminating resistor between CAN-H and CAN-L.)

Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
Message 4 of 4