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Application builder with VISA

My RS-232 serial communication program used VISA library in LabView 8.
In my developement computer, the operation was Okay to run and communicate with an instrument well.
I made a application (*.exe) with default option by the application builder.
The executable application was launched successfully, but there is a problem in the RS-232 communication.
(The LED light of COM port in USB-Serial,  was not changed.)
This happened in the developement computer which has the all libraries in labview 8.
Therefore, I believe that the VISA driver didn't give the trouble.

What should I check some points?
Thank you in advance.

메시지가 04-09-2007 09:45 AM에 labmaster에 의해 편집되었음

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Message 1 of 3
Hi labmaster,

What seems to be the problem in your communication?  Are you receiving errors in your program/executable?  What hardware are you using exactly, and also, if the communication is not working in your exe, are you still able to communicate successfully with LabVIEW or MAX?

If your exe is not working, I would check again in MAX and see if you can do some simple communication.  If that is working, I would try a simple example program in LabVIEW (Help > Find Examples).  There is a simple one called Basic Serial Write and that you could try.  You can find it in the Example Finder under the Browse tab, then Hardware Input and Output > Serial.  If it works in LabVIEW, you might try building that example into an exe, and then try out the exe.

Hope this helps!

Adam W
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

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Message 2 of 3
Are you creating an installer when you build the application? If so make sure that you have clicked the "advanced" button in the installer settings tab, then select the "serial port support" selection (in the LV 7.1.1 version of application builder, I don't have 8.x available at the moment).

Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion

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