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Analysis of paper questionnaires using NI Vision development module

Hello labviewers


I really need your support for the following subject.

I have to develop an application, which will automatically collect the answers from paper questionnaires that will be scanned and stored as images. I have attached a sample questionnaire, to give you an idea of what is required during the image analysis.

Till now, the only thing I have thought, is to use the golden template comparison vi and compare an empty questionnaire with a filled one and take the differences (that are the replies) an locate them using particle analysis. But I have encountered a lot of issues using this method, with the most important being, how to exactly align the two images , so that their differences are only the answers to the questions. Because the forms will be scanned, I cant use hardcopied values for the alignment because the source image could be rotated or shifted relatively to the template. The questionnaire has crosses at its corners to help to the alignment but I dont know how to position the images in order for the crosses to coincide.


Could you please give me an idea for the alignment of the two images or a suggestion for a different solution to the project?


Thanks a lot

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You should be able to use Count Objects and from the position determine which grade was chosen. Either segment it off per question or filter out results based on Y-position, e.g.


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