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After using DAQ Assistant to create code for continuous read the config VI is inside a loop- is this correct?

I've used the DAQ Assistant to generate the code for continuously reading analog inputs.


After the code is generated the VI which configures the inputs is placed inside a while loop.  Is this correct?


I found that I needed to move this VI outside of the while loop in order to stop the program from using excessive memory.  After running for less than an hour the application was using more than four times its normal amount of memory. 


Also, I noticed that I am only able to edit the configuration VI by opening it directly from file explorer.  If I open from the calling VI the word '(clone)' is displayed on the title bar and I can not edit it.  What's this about?






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Message 1 of 2

I wonder what version of LV and DAQmx you are using.

Because this DAQmx Assistant Express VI is programmed that the Task configuration lays inside Case Structures with a first call at the decision terminal. So only the first time you call the VI this configuration should happen and then only the DAQmx will be called with every iteration.

So the memory should be constant.....


Anyway you should consider working with the Low-Level VIs. Just use the LV Example Finder and browse for DAQmx examples to see how.


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 2