04-12-2016 11:50 AM
First of all thanks for reading this post and able to help.
I would like to do the following:
On the front panel I have 6 buttons which have to do the function of siplaying a graph (1 buttonper graph, i.e, 6 graphs)
Pressing a button, the corresponding graph must appear in the whole screen. If two buttons are pressed must appear 2 graphs occupying half screen each. If three buttons are pressed must appear the corresponding graphs occupying one third of each screen. Thus the 6.
My question is how I could approach this. I think about property nodes "sizeAreaPlot" and "visible" and with case srtructures.
Can anybody help my with a tip¿
Thanks a lot.
04-12-2016 12:52 PM
Yes, either this property (I would prefer it) or splitters.
In the first case
Resize each plot manually to full possible VI area and then move, resize plot area within it.
04-12-2016 06:39 PM
you have work on code like this