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ActiveX LabVIEW executable variable names

Hi forum:
I created an executable in LV7.0 that has the ActiveX server enabled, and a customer is having a problem with part of it.  I have a collection of similar booleans to mark some errors that might occur.  There are 5 of them, and the customer reports that only one of them can not be reached from his code.  That one is named "motor 1 positive/ motor 2 negative" which makes me wonder if ActiveX has a problem with either name length or special characters, since the ones named "motor 1 negative" and "motor 2 positive" apparently work without any problem.  I can get to any of them when I write a VI to test the ActiveX interface, so I don't think there is anything too special about this particular boolean.  I am trying to get the customer to tell me what flavor of Windows and what language he is using, so I don't know that stuff yet.  I do know that his error message is "not found", which is pretty lame.  Any ideas?
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Message 1 of 3

Hi Bart,

Since you don't have any trouble using LabVIEW to address these Booleans, it certainly seems likely that it is an issue with the customer's operating system or programming environment.  This wouldn't be surprising since many applications have limits on file name length or have trouble with slashes in file names. 

Let us know if you find out anything new or surprising!  Good luck,
Megan B.
National Instruments

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Message 2 of 3
Hi Megan B:
I haven't heard a direct response on this, but the way new questions are flowing on the project, I think the problem was with Visual Basic.  I renamed the control with a shorter name without slashes in it, and they seem to be running now.  Hope this helps.

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