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ActiveX Excel Reading only problem

Hi all,



I have a problem with my program when i write data in excel.


In a while loop, i write data in a worksheet and i close reference only at the end of acquisition. 

If the user, for example, scroll with his mouse exatly at the moment the data is writing, the data is not writing !



How i can solve my problem, put the worksheet in "reading only"? but there is always the scroll problem...



If you have idea.



Message Edité par kriss00 le 06-29-2009 04:28 AM
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If it is not necessary to have Excel visible during the data writing process, set the Visible option of the application to FALSE.

You can always set it to FALSE initially and then set it to TRUE when the data writing process is complete.


Otherwise, it would seem as though the application is losing focus to the sheet that you are writing to when the user interacts with it.

LabVIEW 2011 SP1 | TestStand 4.5
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