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About using the NI9211 module to collect temperature data

In recent days, I am trying to use NI9211+T type thermocouples to get surface temperature of metal, but don't know how to set those parameters in the Labview software? like CJC source (right now chose “constant”), CJC value (right now I set it as 25), and auto zero mode (right now, chose “none”)?

As this is my first time to use that module, I need some help or more suggestions, thank you so much in advance.




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All of these can be set in LabVIEW.  Your NI-9211 has a built in cold junction compensator.  This consists of an internal thermistor that can be used.  To utilize this, when creating your "AI Temp TC" task, wire in a constant or control into CJC source, and set it to "Build In".  You can also provide an external CJC, and use the option "Channel".  You will only set the CJC value if you are using a constant CJC source. 


Check out the example in the NI Example finder called "Acq Thermocouple Sample" for a good example on how this works.


Jon S

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks a lot, Jon S, I will try more tests about those settings and check out the example. ^_^


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