08-26-2005 04:48 PM
08-27-2005 07:57 AM
08-29-2005 01:35 PM
08-30-2005 12:50 PM
I did restart my computer, LabVIEW, and MAX and still got the same results. The strage thing is that once in a while, I run my VI and it works, meaning that the task is recognized and everything's fine. But most of the time, I get an error number -200088 "Task specified is invalid or does not exist". I don't understand the inconsistency.
I'm using a PXI-6259 module which is a multifunction DAQ module. My task is Analog In, Voltage, Continuous, Internal Clock, rate of 200,000, 10,000 samples to read.
I tried creating the task in my program and that works. But the literature (and my NI field engineer) tells me that I shoud be able to create a task in MAX and use it in my program, which I prefer.
08-31-2005 02:52 PM
09-26-2005 03:01 PM
09-26-2005 04:25 PM
I wondered if this was a LabVIEW bug. But being new at LabVIEW programming, the first place I look for fault is myself! Can an NI engineer look at this and give us a definite answer whether or not this is in fact a LabVIEW bug. Thank you very much.
09-27-2005 07:47 AM
I think I stumbled upon the solution: you have to use the "create task" vi. See the attached modified test code.
09-27-2005 05:51 PM
10-07-2005 06:39 PM
I've been having this same 200088 error problem.
HW: PCI-6624
SW: Labview 7.1
I opened a counter in VI.lib/DAQmx/read.lib. I created a new task for a period and pulse width measurement in a sequence structure. Everything was fine until I left Labview and came back in. It gave me this 200088 error saying it couldn't find the task. I opened up the Measurements and Automation studio and tested each task I created. They all worked fine. Shut down my PC and brought it back up. Same error.
I found a solution on one thead here in NI, but so far it's not working either. On that thread, it was said this is a known problem with Labvew and should have a fix soon. Their solution was to put a "DAQmx task is done.vi" in after my task, but before any property nodes. I got the 200088 error again, but this time it said:
Error -200088 occurred at Property Node DAQmx Task (arg 1) in DAQmx Is Task Done.vi->32 chn Front Panel VER6.vi
Possible reason(s):
Task specified is invalid or does not exist.
So I am trying a different approach. Frustrated in Columbus.