05-22-2009 04:03 AM
I've rebuilt a few applications made in LV 8.5.1 lately and one problem that keeps coming up is that there is a VI search dialog coming up for a fraction of a second when the apps launch. I had to capture the screen and play it in slow motion to see what it is looking for and it's always some VI that is really already within the application, or in the case of plugins- within their .llb file. It's as if when building them VIs do not update the path of their subVIs according to where they were saved when built into an exe or llb file. This was not a problem in 8.5.x.
The latest version of the problem is with a plug-in...This is an llb that contains a VI that calls formula evaluation functions from the NI.Gmath.lvlib. All the dependancies (i.e. the formula VIs) are saved in the llb file together with the main plugin-VI which is loaded by the application. The search dialog looks for Cosine integral.vi (which was built into an llb with the main VI of the plugIn) and it searches the folder of the executable that calls the plugIn VI for instr.lib. It finds it in the llb file of course, but it should never have brought up a search dialog. Is there a way to get it to not need to search...or at least get rid of the search/loading window?
05-22-2009 05:03 AM
The solution this time was to not set the dependancies to be included in the llb file. If they instead are included in the support directory that folder will fill up with .mnu files (no need for those(!)) and lvanlys.dll. The latter is the cause of the search dialog as the VIs in the llb would not find it (it's as if the load path gets set wrongly because the builder does not take into account that the dll will not be possible to include in the llb file) - once you include that in a support directory you get rid of the search window...
In 8.5 the VIs would search and find the dll silently in the Run-Time-Engine folder, that's how it should work still...