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Compile to file


Is there a possibility in the labview toolkit to compile a vi to an rxe file? Because the nxt terminal compiles and downloads at the same time.
Or is there any possibility to see the source code for the nxt terminal, then maybe I can adapt it myself.

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Message 1 of 3
If you want to get at the compiled rxe file, you can just use the NXT terminal to upload the file after its been compiled and downloaded. There is no currently way through the NXT Terminal to download it directly to disk. Hopefully this will work for you if you are just interested in looking at the contents of an rxe file. All the information to decode the file can be found in the "Executable File and Bytecode Reference" manual on LEGO's NXT'reme site:
Brady Duggan
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
I need a rxe file cause i want to send it throught the internet.Smiley Happy
I found the vi at the gcompiler folder and if I insert an vi reference from an example for the toolkit (I get no errors), I get the opcode metrics en the clumps and also rcx3 activation record. So what vi can I use to to make an rxe file with this information. I need to have the rxe file cause I want to send it through the internet. Or how do u suggest how to send the bytecode from a program through the internet?is it possible somehow?
Well I know it must be possible if I can first compile, then sent throught internet and then download to nxt.


Message Edited by Mindstormer on 08-24-2007 10:08 AM

Message Edited by Mindstormer on 08-24-2007 10:10 AM

Message 3 of 3