01-11-2007 12:03 PM
01-12-2007 03:25 AM
01-12-2007 04:35 AM
Hi, Squirell!
I have the 8.20 Prof Dev Sys installed on XP SP2 - "somehow" my functions palette is looking somewhat different. Indepent of the palette structure you should be able to find the additions using the "Search" button. Enter "NXT" (without quotes...) in the dialog box - there SHOULD come up a list with 14 entries. One of them is NXTToolkit. Double click it, and you can see, where in your palette structure the new functiones were placed. On the same level as the "NXTToolkit" subpalette (VIs to be compiled and loaded into the NXT brick) the "NXT Direct Commands" subpalette (VIs to be run on the PC for interaction PC <-> NXT) should be available in the palette structure.
If this won't help please give a bit more information on the version of LV you are using.
01-12-2007 10:15 AM - edited 01-12-2007 10:15 AM
Message Edited by Squirell on 01-12-2007 10:17 AM
01-12-2007 11:47 AM
Hi, Squirell!
Thanks for the additional information! Looks as if everything should work fine...
You could check the file system: In your LabVIEW folder (e.g. C:\Programs\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2) you will find a subfolder vi.lib. Inside that folder, you find the subfolder "addons" - that's where the toolkit gets installed, so you should find as next level subfolders "NXTToolkitDirectCommands" and "NXTToolkit". (...\LabVIEW 8.2\vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit). Within "NXTToolkit" there should be another 8 folders plus one file (dir.mnu). Asking the XP explorer about the properties of the folder "NXTToolkit", it gives me as total content 1152 files and 81 folders. If this is not what you get try to reinstall the NXT toolkit.
If it's what you get, too, it might have to do with the "Infinity Project" - I have no idea whether NI published a reduced version for it. What you could try in that case: request a LabVIEW 7.1 Student Edition under http://digital.ni.com/express.nsf/bycode/lvtoolkitlego (only be used for software development with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT) - that version should work without any problems!