Author: Yair Neeman (LV Champion)
When you want to select a property in a property node, the list of possible properties can sometimes be very long and nested and it can take a while to find the property you want:
This plug-in makes it easier to select which property you want to use. When you right click a property in a property node, you will see a Select Property option in the menu. Clicking this will bring up a dialog with a list of supported properties. You can then type in that window to find the property you want. The results are shown in the list. You can use the up and down arrows to move through the list. Pressing the Enter key will change the property into the one highlighted in the list. You can also double click a line in the list to select it.
Select the option:
Note: this plugin was inspired by this Idea Exchange idea -
This does it make it easier to select some properties, but it doesn't go all the way there. If you like this, you should vote for that idea.
Also, this plugin has one major flaw - it does not allow you to set properties on nested objects. For example, the first screenshot shows the property Boolean Text.Font.Color, but the plugin can only set the Boolean Text property, as seen in the screenshots. This is both because the API doesn't expose the full list of supported properties and because it doesn't allow you to set nested properties even if you would have their identifier. This significantly reduces the utility of the plugin, because those are the cases where the plugin would be even faster than menu access.
Attachement is saved in LabVIEW 2015. For install instructions, go here.