NOTE: This plugin is intended for use in LabVIEW 2015 through 2018. This functionality is already included in LabVIEW 2019 and later.
Author: Bob_Preis (NI)
This download is not so much a plug-in as a plug-out. It will add three menu items right at the top of the popup menu for creating indicators, controls and constants. These are the same as the built-in menu items (which is why their text is the same text instead of adding the word "Create" before them).
Attachement is saved in LabVIEW 2015. For install instructions, go here.
The only thing I would change before making this built-in would be to add the Create in front of them. I really don't understand why these options were ever moved to a flyout in the first place.
Yeah, this is probably my most commonly-used community shortcut. Unfortunately, we can't change the names with the current plugin mechanism because these are built-in menu items that we are just moving to a new place. Apparently we can't change the names of built-in items, we can only move them.
I was aware of that short-coming but per Stephen's instructions I was rating this a "4" because I would like NI move them back to the top-level menu by default. Anybody who wishes to add an extra flyout to one of the most repeated actions they do in LabVIEW could easily create a menu addin that would push this back to the create flyout. I just switched to LabVIEW 2016 last week (from 2013) and this is one of the most useful features I've found.
This plugin is no longer needed. The Create control, indicator, and constant menu items are back at the top of the popup menu (LV2019 for me)!
Thanks for the reminder, @littlesphaeroid. I have updated the description of the plugin to mention this.