I have Labview 7.0, further more I have matlab install as it is required.
I would like to know if I am missing anything to be able to run an .m script from matlab in Labview.
I followed the instructions as per NI guided lines and was able to import the m file into a matlab node.
Labview crashes when I hit the run button.
Then I decided to strip the comments and just leave it bare bones and that works.
The following doesn't work:
%script file: tempconver
%Purpose: to convert an input temperature from F to K.
%temp_f --temp in degrees Farenheit
%temp_k --temp in Kelvins
%Prompt the user for the input temp.
temp_f = input ('enter the temp in degrees Farenheit: ');
%convert to kelvins
temp_k = (5/9)* (temp_f - 32) + 273.15;
%write out the result.
fprintf ('%6.2f degrees Fahrenheit = %6.2f kelvins. \n', temp_f, temp_k);
The following works:
temp_k = (5/9)* (temp_f - 32) + 273.15;
Am I missing something? what am I doing wrong?