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Coding using MT RS Encoder Decoder

I want to implement a RS(255,239) in the attached VI. Can anyone help? I don't understand what'is wrong?


I use an MT Bit Generator (3824 bits) -->  MT Pack Bits (bits per Integer = 😎  --> MT RS Encoder (255,239 bits per symbol = 8 )


When accessing the RS Encoder I get Error -1 occured The NUmbers cant be Zero


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Message 1 of 6

Hi alexpas,


When running your VI, I also the following error message :


Error -21892 occurred at mod_Validate RS code prms.gvi "RS Galois primitive element must be relatively prime to the Galois field order 2^m-1 in GF(2^m)."


Modifying the Message bit count may solve your issue,


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Message 2 of 6

Actually the message bits are selected on purpose to be t*239 in order to meet the requirement for the MT RS encoder as it is a pack encoder. Nevertheless I've tried that but still the same errors!

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Message 3 of 6

Hello alexpas,


I was able to reproduce the error -1. I have done some investigation into the error and found that it is thrown by one of the VI's subVIs. I modified the mod_Configure RS attributes.gvi into to resolve this error.


Please download the attached VI, and use it to replace the <LabVIEW Comms 1.1>\Resources\vi.lib\Native\mod_Configure RS attributes.gvi.


This should resolve the error. Please see the attached VI.



Thomas C.
FlexRIO Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 6

Thank you Thomas,


Your assistance on my issues is priceless. 

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Message 5 of 6

Thanks! I really appreciate your feedback!!!

Thomas C.
FlexRIO Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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