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can bus set up

I am having trouble setting up my USB can bus interface using max. In particular I am confused over arbitration ID, message ID, CAN ID in extended frame. Are there any examples explaining how to set this up?

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Hi Steve,


Can you give this some context, is this in the set up for a CAN channel?


In general I believe the IDs you refer to are one and the same.  Each message or frame has an ID on the front of it identifying the source of the message.  This is also used for arbitration, The lower the ID number the higher the priority on the bus.


In terms of help sources check the NI-CAN help in MAX (Help>>Help Topics>>NI-CAN).  These should help you get started.



James Mc
CLA and cRIO Fanatic
My writings on LabVIEW Development are at
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