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Why does my com port appears as asrl?



I am having some issues with a program that I am writing.


When I run the VI below, I can see the COM ports come up as COM1, COM3, and LPT1. On any other computer, I see them as ASRL::INSTR1, ASRL::INSTR3, and ASRL::INSTR10. On the other computers, I have Labview 2010 runtime installed.


Do I not have the correct VISA version installed or something?



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Message 1 of 12

ASRL is the actual canonical VISA resource name. Comx is an alias. You can add an alias in MAX. You say you are running a LabVIEW runtime. That implies a VISA runtime as well. Did you export the hardware config on the development pc and import that on the pc's running your exe? This is an option when you create an installer.

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Message 2 of 12

I don't think that I have. I've always exported the EXEs and they've worked.

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Message 3 of 12

How do I export the hardware config? I've always used the "Build Application (EXE) from VI".

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Message 4 of 12

As I said,it's an option when you create an installer. It's also an option inside of MAX (both import and export). Just look under the file menu.

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Message 5 of 12

OK, I've exported my hardware configuration. Now, how do I import this to the PC running the EXE? This only has the Labview runtime installed.


Sorry about all the questions. First time I've done this and it's a learning experience.

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Message 6 of 12

I would have recomended creating an installer. This would have included the LabVIEW runtime, the VISA runtime, the hardware config, etc. I always include MAX as part of the installer as well. Installing MAX is probably going to be the easiest option.

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Message 7 of 12
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Message 8 of 12



I now see where the installer is, but one of the CDs I don't ahve was the LV2009 Real Time Module. Is there a stand alone install that I can use?



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

You do not need the real time module

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 10 of 12