Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Two boards, one device - a valid configuration?

I need to control a single GPIB device from two different Unix workstations each with a NI-GPIB board. They need to synchronize access, and one of them can be the master controller. I have never seen this configuration (two boards, one device) mentioned in any of the documentation, and was wondering if it was valid, and if so could anyone point me to documentation or sample code, or offer advice on implementing this setup.
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Would you be able to use a simple A/B switch?

There are some switches available to allow several controllers
to access a single device, one at a time. They operate the
same way as serial port or printer switches.

Aidan Grey

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 09:21:04 -0600 (CST), DonL wrote:

>I need to control a single GPIB device from two different Unix
>workstations each with a NI-GPIB board. They need to synchronize
>access, and one of them can be the master controller. I have never
>seen this configuration (two boards, one device) mentioned in any of
>the documentation, and was wondering if it was valid, and if so could
>anyone point me to documentation or sample code, or offer advice on
>implementing this setup.
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