08-29-2006 09:28 PM
08-29-2006 09:45 PM
08-30-2006 05:49 PM
Dear Denis
thnaks for your help , would u please give me some examples on using timed loops , thnaks alot, I will try using timed loops may be this will be better for more accurate results regrading timing
08-30-2006 08:44 PM
09-21-2006 09:30 AM
Dear Denis
Thanks for your help , I am sorry I am lating in replying , I have traveled and gave myself a break.
I have decided to use timed loop, I have read the application note and understand it very well , it advices to use timed loop when u want to develop applications with precise timing
we can configure timed loops by setting the period each loop takes and the time between each loop .it says sometimes the elapsed time of the loop is not precise due to some inturrepts by the OS .
can I know for each iteration what is the actual time spent and write it to a text file
09-25-2006 02:44 PM
Hi maple72,
You should be able to monitor the Actual End [i-1] to determine the amount of time the previous iteration took to execute and then write to the value to a text file.
Steve B.
09-25-2006 08:09 PM
09-26-2006 06:33 PM
Hi maple72,
Sure. The VI is very simple and I did not try and format the data. I have attached the VI below. It loops at a rate of 1kHz. Note that the data it generates is the end time relative to the start time of the Loop (i.e. it starts at 0 and then every loop it ends 1000 ms later since we loop at 1 kHz )
Steve B.
09-27-2006 09:41 AM
Hi Bassat
Thanks for the file , I dont have LabVIEW 8.2 , the file u sent me doesnt open with LabVIEW 8 I have , could u do it on 8 please or send me JPG file
Thanks alot
09-27-2006 10:02 AM