12-19-2018 02:11 PM
I would like to connect using a simple VISA connection to a Rasberry Pi3 and send some basic scpi commands, I would like to know if exists any installer package/driver to support this on Rasberry Pi.
Any help would be appreciated.
Francisco Morales
12-22-2018 04:07 AM
no data bout this????, any data please????
12-26-2018 03:57 PM
RasperryPi does not support SCPI commands. You should read this thread on Lynx - https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Labview-for-raspberry-pi-3/td-p/3686642
There are also 3rd party tools like - https://www.tsxperts.com/labviewforraspberrypi/