03-06-2006 01:22 PM
03-06-2006 01:58 PM
03-07-2006 05:26 AM
I was using Agilent Visa and had forgotten that I needed to start the Remote IO server....duh!
03-08-2006 03:40 AM
03-16-2006 04:21 AM
It's all pretty staright foward really.
1. We're using Agilent Via and Agilent's Suite 14 - this is because we're using a parBERT which wont run with NI Visa. Suite 14 provides a menu option that lets you start an I/O server - simply turn this on (theer's an option to start at boot-up which makes life easy). The use their interface to add your RS232 instrument -in myt example the address was set to ASRL3::INSTR.
2. On th eremote PC we also use Suite 14, simply go through the process of adding a LAN instrument (it's all GUI driven and very straight forward when you're sitting in front of it) - this will tell you exactly how to address your remore instrument in VISA routines (whether Agilent's or NI's)....you can see the form in a previous note.
So it's all fairly straight forward...