Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Ni-9263 outputting voltage with no command

When the DAQ is plugged into my laptop, with no command running, channel ao0 will be outputting 14.51V. This is outside of the output range for this box. ao1 will be outputting about 5 volts and the other channels appear to be working normally. The two problematic channels do not change when commanded either. Is this a matter of a broken channel physically and how would I go about finding/fixing this issue.


Thanks in advance

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If this is happening only select channels and even on power-up without any external connection, definitely sounds like a damaged channel(s). You could attempt fixing the DAQ but there are no documents available, you will be on your own. The other option is to send it to NI for repair, which in some cases, it may be better to buy a new one instead of fixing this one.


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