01-16-2012 02:25 AM
I would like to ask you, if there are any plans to support NI-VISA on the .NET Micro Framework Platform (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Micro_Framework) in future?
Supporting the .NET Micro Framework would allow use to use one technology (.NET/C#) to build GPIB-based (etc.) applications on nearly every platform.
Kind regards,
Daniel Dressen
01-17-2012 01:58 AM
Hello DDressen,
Thank you for your interress in our product. I wanted to inform you that VISA is already supported on the Visual Studio .NET environment. There is a module called Measurment Studio for Visual Studio which has all the libraries to program VISA or 488.2 devices in Visual Studio (C++, C# and VB). More information on the product can be found here under:
NI Measurement Studio
NI Measurement Studio Development Packages for Visual C#
Serial, GPIB, and VXI Instrument Control with Measurement Studio VISA
Best Regards
01-17-2012 04:50 AM
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, you are right regarding VISA support for .NET.
But there is a part of the .NET Platform called .NET Micro Framework (not .NET Framework), targeting microcontroller, which is not supported by VISA or Measurement Studio currently.
If this part would be supported by NI as well, we are able to build applications on nearly every system.
06-28-2017 09:02 AM
Was this ever solved? I need to interface a 488.2 / 7210 set up with .net microframework (micro controller being used is a GHI Electronics G30).