12-13-2018 11:17 AM
I wanted to know the maximum length of the cables that can be used with PCIe 8430/16(RS232) card at 115200bps. It is not specified in the datasheet.
12-13-2018 02:35 PM
@navinTerabee wrote:
I wanted to know the maximum length of the cables that can be used with PCIe 8430/16(RS232) card at 115200bps. It is not specified in the datasheet.
With proper shielding and a low noise environment you can typically get out around 50 ft. That is not often the case though! not all cables a shielded the same and not all places you want to be are low noise.
12-13-2018 02:36 PM
RS232 max cable length is dependent on cable capacitance and the voltage that you operate at. Generally at 9600bps its about 10-25m with good cables when using 12-15V, and as bit rate increase length drops fast. So its all dependent on the cable you choose and the voltage your talker listeners support. RS232 isn't a good "long haul" data transfer protocol. Use RS422/485 for long hauls.
Actually, the NI data sheet has a spec here on pg 17 (2500pF equivalent) - http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/371332g.pdf
This reference confirms my earlier comment - https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Remote-Serial-Console-HOWTO/serial-distance.html
12-14-2018 07:39 AM
RS-232 has an expected impedance of 100-ohms. Try using a low capacitance (<17pf/lf) matched impedance (100-ohm) wire. Most CAT-5 cable meets these criteria without the individual shielding.