11-18-2013 05:15 AM
Hi, I'm trying to establish a connection between an instrument and LabVIEW by using an USB to GPIB Converter (KUSB 488B). Although I installed the driver of KUSB-488B, LabVIEW always shows the same error: Error connecting to GPIB driver or device (Error 0). The computer recognizes the instrument and also its GPIB address. I use LabVIEW 2011.
It would be great if someone could help me.
11-18-2013 10:41 AM
Did you install the NI command interface or the Keithley Command interface?
Did you uninstall NI-488 first?
11-18-2013 10:47 AM
11-18-2013 03:25 PM
Here is a list of things to check...
First, verify you have the correct driver installed:
Be sure that NI-488 is uninstalled (found listed in Control Panel -> Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs) -> National Instruments Software -> NI-488,2
Be sure that you have installed the latest version of the KI-488 driver (which currently is version 3.12 for the KUSB-488B).
(Recommend you install it as NI Command Compatible).
Second, verify that the KI-488 GPIB driver and a connected instrument work correctly:
If you have a properly installed KUSB488B and an instrument cabled and connected...when you open the Program Files -> Keithley Instruments -> KI-488 -> KI-488 Configuration Utility you should see two things:
1. GPIB0 <-- this confirms GPIB0 interface exists
2. An icon for an instument in the GPIB0 tree with a name next to it of the form "Keithley Instruments Model xxxx ....(PA:24)" <-- this confirms there is an instrment at address 24 connected to GPIB0
If you only see GPIB0 and no instrument, then the instrument is not cabled properly or is not on or is not in GPIB mode.
Third, verify that the GPIB driver works correctly with NI-VISA:
If you open VISA Interactive Control, then you should see any connected NI Compatible GPIB cards (e.g. GPIB0::INTFC) and connected instruments (e.g. GPIB0::24::INSTR). (This program can be found from the start menu as follows... Start -> All Programs -> National Instruments -> VISA -> VISA Interactive Control).
If you do not see the GPIB0::INTFC listed, then open NI MAX (Start -> All Programs -> National Instruments -> Measurement & Automation) and under Software -> NI-VISA -> VISA Options check that your NI-VISA Passprt for GPIB is enabled ON.
Finally, communicate with your instrument using :LabVIEW as follows:
Open LabVIEW and create an new blank VI using either...
- VISA Read/Write: Recommend using VISA Read and VISA Write to talk to the instrument (this should work if you were able to communicate with your instrument using VISA Interactive Control)
- GPIB Read/Write: If you prefer to do GPIB Read and GPIB Write, you must use the ones supplied with the driver, not the NI GPIB ones. The KPCI-488 driver ones can be found from any LabVIEW block diagram by selecting View -> Functions Palette -> User Libraries -> paletteMenu.
11-19-2013 05:32 AM
Thanks a lot for all the answers.
Now I found the problem. I cannot use the GPIB items (GPIB write/read,..), I really have to use the VISA ones. Then I can talk to the instrument and it operates. This seems to be a problem because I use Windows 7. With Windows XP, there is no such issue.
11-19-2013 09:14 AM
You should be using the KI-488 driver's GPIB Write.vi and GPIB Read.vi
These are found in the user libraries -> paletteMenu
Even quicker just use the Async Read Write.vi example that is ready to run and works in win7. It can be found in the following locations:
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Keithley Instruments\KI-488\examples\LabVIEW)
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Keithley Instruments\KI-488\examples64\LabVIEW)
11-19-2013 01:27 PM
VISA is a better option since it is portable. You are not tied to keithley or NI hardware. It is also portable to different communication types. A VISA driver will work with GPIB, Ethernet, USB, Serial.
03-26-2014 04:15 AM
Can I also ask for a help with similar situation?
I am using KUSB-488 adapter, connected with Keithley 2400 source/meter.
I have installed Keithley GPIB 9.0 driver, compartible with KUSB-488 (wothout any A/B letters). Device is installed in device manager and appears as KUSB-400 in MAX, but MAX can't do anything with it. VISA iteractive control finds GPIB0::24::INSTR and is able to operates with the instrument (*IDN? query is working correctly).
But when I try Initialize Keithley 2400 from LabVIEW (driver from idnet) manually entering "GPIB0::24::INSTR" in Visa Resource I get the following error:
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.
Of course, Interactive control is closed.
Is there any way to troubleshoot this?
NI VISA is installed from 2014_Feb DCD
Labview 2012 x64 - can 64 bit version be an issue?
03-26-2014 05:01 AM
The last idea is working...
LabVIEW 32 bit is absolutely OK.
How LabVIEW x64 and x86 differs in VISA devices support? Is this means the Keithley driver incompatibility with x64?
02-18-2016 05:20 AM - edited 02-18-2016 05:30 AM
Actually I am facing same type of problem. In the user manual for KUSB-488B ,they have suggested to install two things 1) Driver software installation 2) hardware installation. I have successfully installed the software part and the LEDs in the cable for active state & ready state is glowing. But the hardware installation process is not getting started. What could be possible reasons ,pls help. I am using windows 7 ultimate.
I am trying to connect the keithley 486 picoammeter instrument using KUSB-488B bus. But in KEITHLEY GPIB configuration utility box, there is no icon for instrument connection showing.