Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Issues when I configure my stepping motors through the serial port

I am an undergraduate student in a project, and I have been working on LABView for just a little while.
I have been trying to configure my stepping motors, and I have had some problems; is there a way to know the sequence of functions that I have to use?
Thank you?
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Message 1 of 4
What information do you have about the stepper motor?  Do you know how many data bits your devices expects?  Parity?  Flow control?  Baud rate?  RS232 or RS485? What commands is it supposed to respond to?  You need to know this kind of information about your device before you can attempt to communicate with it.
Once you know some basic information about your device, you can then begin communicating with it via hyperterminal (to verify successful communication) and LabVIEW via VISA.  For information about where to begin, I recommend that you go though the material at the following site:
Logan S.
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Message 2 of 4
I have already all that information (well, not the flow control), and the doubts I have are because even though I specify them in the VISA configure VI, the motors doesn't change to online status. Should I specify the flow control?
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Message 3 of 4
If the flow control is different than the default, then it must be specified. I'm not sure that the motors would indicate on-line status though with just a VISA Configure Serial Port. Usually, you have to actually write something to a device. What happens when you open a Hyperterminal session?
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Message 4 of 4