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How to establish communication between labview and stm32f407 MCU

Hello Everyone, I have a very simple PI Controller Code running on STM32 MCU.


In real time I need to tune the controller sometimes by changing the values of Proportional, Integral Gains, and also set point. 


It is not convenient for the new users to change them in code and then rebuild the code and debug it every time.


My device all communication is being done through LabVIEW (i.e. data acquisition, measurements, etc.), I also want to add the option in Labview to change the P, I, and SetValue, but in this case, my Labview should be connected(communicating) with STM32, in the background I don't care what the labview is doing (build and debug) but I just want to press only one button to apply which could change my parameters in STM32F407. 

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This purely depends on the communication scheme you are using to talk with the STM. Do you have any details on that?


If you haven't started that part, I highly recommend using an ASCII based serial protocol, using a Line Feed as the termination character. That will make it easy to communicate in LabVIEW. For a lot more details, go watch this: VIWeek 2020/Proper way to communicate over serial

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