Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Ehternet Instrument IP address using MAX

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I have several instrument (PS, freq counter etc) which are ethernet instrument. I am trying to find:

1. If the IP address can be changed form LabVIEW for each instrument? This is after the instrument is configured intially with an IP address and not it is moved to another subnet. Also when the IP address is changed for the instrument does MAX automatically identifies the changed IP for that instrument or MAX needs to be refreshed?

2.  I would like to read the IP address of each instrument programatically in LabVIEW when doing initialization. Once the IP addres is obtained I would like to ping the instrument, again using LabVIEW itself. 

Any help!! TIA.

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Message 1 of 4
Typically you cannot change the address. That would be an instrument function anyway so you need to read the manual. Auto detecting an address change would also depend on the instrument. Try it. You can use the VISA Find Resources to get the list.
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks, so if the IP address is changed physically on the instrument  then does MAX automatically gets updated with the new address? If not is there any file that can be changed and uploaded in MAX. My guess is this will prevent going to each instrument and configuring it again.

Also is it required to configure all instruments in MAX beofre LabVIEW (visa) Vis can communicate with the instruments?

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author lvrat

@lvrat wrote:

Thanks, so if the IP address is changed physically on the instrument  then does MAX automatically gets updated with the new address?



 If not is there any file that can be changed and uploaded in MAX. My guess is this will prevent going to each instrument and configuring it again.

No. (Actually it depends on what you mean. There is a MAX configuration file where this information is kept, but I don't know what you mean by "uploading to MAX". It's a file on the computer, not the instrument, and the instrument wouldn't be capable of changing it.)


Also is it required to configure all instruments in MAX beofre LabVIEW (visa) Vis can communicate with the instruments?




That was easy. Smiley Happy

Message 4 of 4