Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Device connected to NI GPIB-USB-HS not recognised

I have been using a NI PCI-GPIB card to communicate with an Agilent 53131A Frequency counter. I tried using a GPIB-USB-HS device but the measurement and automation explorer is unable to find a device attached to the GPIB bus. I can detect this device with no problems if I use the PCI-GPIB card. Is there anything else I need in addition to the standard visa dll to use the GPIB-USB-HS to control my device?
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Message 1 of 6

Hello KarthikG,


For the sake of clairity, both this PCI card and USB device are in the same computer right?  And you can see both of these devices in MAX, just not the 53131A on the other side when it's attached to the USB-GPIB? Off hand, I do not know what would cause this, but knowing these facts will help to track down what could be causing this.

Field Engineer
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Cole,

Yes both devices are connected to the same machine. Also both instruments are listed in device manager. I can see the 53132A device when it is connected via the PCI card however, I am unable to detect it when the same device is connected via USB-GPIB. I am unable to find any USB-GPIB specific instructions and I am assuming it is simply plug and play like the PCI card was. Any advice would be appreciated.


Thank you,

Karthik Ganesan 

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Message 3 of 6

Hello Karthik,


You're absolutely right in that this should work.  The two suggestions I would have for you are to make sure that a firm connection has been established on the gpib side (silly I know, but just to cover our bases here) and to make sure that only one of these devices is conencted at a time.  Meaning that it's either your PCI GPIB or your USB-GPIB is attached.  Not both at the same time.

Field Engineer
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Message 4 of 6



If these suggestions don't help.  Go ahead and take a Spy Capture and post it on up so we can see exactly where this is failing.  Do it with both the PCI and USB versions.  Thanks and have a great day. 

Field Engineer
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Message 5 of 6



I've had connections to a spectrumanalyzer that seemed OK but the GPIB-USB-HS is just a fraction thicker than the normal gpibconnector so although it looked OK there was no real electric connection.

This was solved by adding an extra gpib connector between the instrument and the GPIB-USB-HS (extra gpib cable to test)

greetings from the Netherlands
Message 6 of 6