07-03-2024 05:47 AM - edited 07-03-2024 05:49 AM
Dear LabVIEW Forum, I need someone to explain to me the theory of an LXI measuring device with LabVIEW VISA.
I have been using a DAQ6510 via USB cable and now I no longer want to connect it directly via USB. I want to control it via LAN (LXI).
The VISA drivers are not 100% compatible!
I have now disconnected the USB cable and connected a network cable, then assigned a fixed IP address via DHCP and VN and created the device with the alias DAQ6510 in NIMAX. So far so good and directly started an application from LabVIEW.
I then received the message "Syntax error.
The command is transmitted incorrectly.
ERROR 1135
Parameter 1, Syntax error, missing comma after parameter
No additional information is available. Refer to the product documentation for more information or contact us at tek.com/keithley.
Now I have proceeded systematically as follows and have observed individual VISA blocks in the USB and LAN connection case.
I noticed that IDN? is executed.
But the command Configure Measurment :SENS:FUNC "VOLTage";:SENS:VOLTage:RANG:AUTO OFF;:SENS:VOLTage:RANG 10.000000 is not executed. And aborted with error 1135 on the device. In LabVIEW 1073676293 as plain text: Warning 1073676293 at VISA: Read in Keithley DMM6500 DAQ6500 Series.lvlib:Error Query.vi->Keithley DMM6500 DAQ6500 Series.lvlib:Reset.vi->Keithley DMM6500 DAQ6500 Series.lvlib:Initialize.vi->Main.vi
Possible causes:
VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0005) The specified termination character was read.
1. does NI list LXI if they are compatible?
(IEEE 488.2 (GPIB) , USB , Ethernet)
2. what else am I doing wrong that my previously executable program is no longer compatible? It is apparently due to the LAN connection as I can run IDN?
3. is there a possibility to help me without a training at NI for external measuring instruments like Keithley?
4. i have not received any help from Tektronix in the forum so far and therefore wanted to ask here please do not misunderstand. i try to find a solution with LXI.
07-04-2024 02:08 AM
Ok dear community, I have now read part of the SCPI syntax and found "SCPI RAW" under LXI Port 5025. I was able to examine the command in more detail and correct the first commands via the NI IO Trace.
Default Message
Three parameter sets
:SENS:VOLTage:RANG 10.000000
Previously without function
After function given
Note syntax after command ";" insert!
Now I'm devoting myself to the last task since there are also timing problems with the LXI, I have to make sure that the trigger function is controlled correctly.
This just ensures that if I don't send the commands manually in the NIO trace, the order of the message handler transmits the command to me as a "timeout" and communication is interrupted.
It is very important that TRAC MAKE and TRIG LOAD are initialized first.
I will be happy to inform you about further steps.
Generally the commands are still compatible with USB Serial so here is a question.
Is it intentional that the syntax in the USB can do without the last ";"?