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Connecting BW F-2000 flowmeter and Power Supply to LV



This is my first post, so appologies if it is misplaced or poorly written.


I want to make small device that can record voltage and flow rate of a pump I made.


NI USB-6009, 8 inputs, 14 bit, Multifunction I/O

Extech 1-30VDC 20A Adjustable Switching Mode Power 382275

Blue-White F-2000 Flow Monitoring System

ACS714 Current Sensor Carrier

LM34D (temperature sensor)



Labview 9.0.1


I have a basic working code that can take the voltage, amperage, and temperature information from the whatever motor i hook the hardward up to and output 100 points of data to a spreadsheet. I want to also include GPM when i use a pump instead of a motor and control the power remotely over time.


The flow meter has 2 wires running into slot 2 & 3 from the paddlewheel to read it. I am waiting on information on how it calculates that from the manufacturer, but I should be able to just hook it up to the DAQ board the same way I did with the other devices. right?


The powersupply has a remote control port in the back that has an 8-pin plug and 22AWG wire. I want to control a signal sent from LV to tell this to run for say X seconds at Y power then X seconds at Y+1 power for N iterations then stop and output my numbers. I am trying to make my own motor curves.


Any help would be asstounding. I am learning so much from this website.



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Message 1 of 4

Hi Tom,


Do you know what the voltage ranges are for your flow meter?  That will effect how you need to connect them to the DAQ, but it should be very similar to what you have done with other devices.  For the power supply, that application sounds very reasonable.  Here's an example I found that turns on and off a line using case structures.


Hope that helps! 

Sarah Yost
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Message 2 of 4

Thank you Sarah,


The time delay feature is exactly what I will need to use.


The flow meter company responded and informed me to measure the flow rate based on change in frequency instead of voltage output. The voltage range is 0.06 to 3.00 volts and 10 hz to 350 hz. This will be something new I must research and then add in many calculations to properly scale.


Once again, thanks for responding.



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Message 3 of 4

So I have been working on continuely improving this project.

The project is an attempt to record data from a homemade pump using a daq board, a power supply, and a flow meter.

I have a current sensor reader also.


I had the data accurately calibrated, collected, and ready to be stored and saved in an external document.

I tried using write to spreadsheet but i am having issues controlling the collection and formation of points.

I have also tried using write to measurement file but i am having issues using dynamic data and the final files presentation.


My ultimate goal would be:

A: several user input fields that will be corelated to be a header of a data set

B: a name updated based on certain aspect

C: data with a time stamp averaged over a certain number of collected points before it is put into the file


Attached is my current 2 files:

!Test is me trying to dabble in collecting dynamic data and using a waveform - not really working but looks better

NTW is me having a time controlled data collection run - working but the data isn't as accurate as I would like


Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appretiated.

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