Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Clear serial visa buffer?

I am running a set of tests 3 times and want to individually save the results.  The problem I am having now is that each iteration is saving all the previous results as well as the most recent test.  I've tried using the visa flush buffer as well as the visa clear, neither of wich has worked.  I've tried placing them before and after the tests.  Have any ideas? 
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Message 1 of 3
It doesn't sound like you have an issue with the serial buffer at all but how you are saving the data. Are you accumulating the results into an array and then saving the array? More details on how you are acquiring the serial data and saving it would be appreciated.
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Message 2 of 3


I hadn't even thought about how I was saving the results, I just kept thinking I needed to clear out the buffer.  Yes, I am creating an array and then writing to a spreadsheet.


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