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C/C++ code examples or any manual on SPI interface in 8451 device

I need to develope simple application in Visual Studio 6.0 environment (C/C++) that will programm some EEPROM
through the SPI interface of NI 8451 device.
So i need some code examples or programmers guides that will explain how NI API (VISA) should be used for SPI communication. 
Thanks in advance,
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Message 1 of 2
Hi Alex,

At this time there is no C/C++ API for the USB-8451. We only have a LabVIEW API for it. Support for these languages may be added in a future release

Matt S.

Message Edited by Support on 07-18-2006 08:30 AM

LabVIEW Integration Engineer with experience in LabVIEW Real-Time, LabVIEW FPGA, DAQ, Machine Vision, as well as C/C++. CLAD, working on CLD and CLA.
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