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Agilent/Keysight U2541A DAQ not seen by matlab

I am working with a U2541A daq and I can't make it be recognized by matlab using ni vendor in matlab. I have an older matlab code that is using the ni vendor and worked with the U2541A, but when I use daqlist in matlab I can't see the daq.


In keysight benchview and connection expert it appears also it is recognized in NI-MAX. It dosen't appear in NI device monitor and in windows event viewer the last event it says it requiers further installation, but in device manager it dosen't have any yellow triangle.  When I send IDN command it responds. I have used the quick start guide from the U2541A product page and installed everything it said and I have data acquisition toolbox in matlab, matlab support package for NI and keysight IO and ivi shared components including the keysight matlab daq adapter. I used the keysight IO utility to test for 64bit visa and it detected both keysight and ni-visa and it detected that the 32 bit keysight visa is secondary. I have windows 11 pro 64bit, 16gb ram, ryzen 5 6th gen and matlab 2023a.


Is there something I am missing or doing wrong? Is there a list of everything I have to install for the daq to appear in matlab when I run daqlist ?

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Please help understand the reason you're posting on NI forums given the issue you are facing with MATLAB and Agilent/Keysight hardware?

Soliton Technologies

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I use NI forum because the code I have uses my daw with NI adapter in matlab. The code uses the older analoginput function and for the adaptor argument uses nidaq.

From what I read the U2541A should be compatible with NI software and be able to be use in matlab with nidaq adaptor.

The problem I have is that nimax can see the device but matlab can't.

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Message 3 of 4

Please help understand how you figured out the nidaq module of MATLAB supports U2541A made by Agilent/Keysight (a competitor of NI)


As you can see here, it supports only NI devices


Soliton Technologies

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