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Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Agilent E5810A and NI-VISA 21.5 for linux - resource string is invalid

This has come up several times over the years.  There may be something I am missing in the earlier posts. 


The E5810A is a LAN-GPIB/serial gateway.  It wants to see VISA resources in the form 


TCIP0::<E5810A IP>::gpib0,<gpib address>::INSTR


This gives error 0xBFFF0012, "Invalid resource reference specified.  Parsing error."


NI-VISA apparently expects 


TCIP0::<E5810A IP>::GPIB0::<gpib address>::INSTR


Note that the E5810A expects a comma between "gpib" and <gpib address>, whereas NI-VISA wants to see the double colon.  


Earlier posts mention that NI-VISA greater than 5.2 had this problem.  I think it got fixed in Windows.  What about Linux?


I don't see any release notes for NI-VISA 21.5 for linux, so I don't know how to find out if this has ever been addressed.  



Ed K

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Interesting - I just tried it with pyvisa and it works.  I can *IDN? all of my instruments.  NI-VISA does not return an error using that path.  Is it the GUI doing it?  Weird.  

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