The following steps will help you re-build the IVI driver DLL:
a) Launch CVI
b) Load the instrument driver fp file (Instrument>>Load... then select the .fp file)
c) Select Instrument>>Edit.... This will bring up the "Edit Instrument" dialog. Select "Edit Function Tree" button.
d) Select Options>>Create DLL Project
e) Provide a file name (default project name and directory is probably good) and Save
f) You should see a dialog titled "Select Directory Structure". You probably want to pick the VXIplug&play structure so that your files are dispersed in the proper VXIpnp directories (e.g., dll to the bin directory, etc.). Select OK
g) The next dialog asks if you want to load the DLL project. Select "Yes".
f) Select Build>>Configuration>>Release to create a release version of the DLL.
g) Select Build>>Target Settings... to launch a Target Settings dialog. Verify information in the dialog. You probably want to change "where to copy DLL" to be "VXIplug&play directory". The reset of the defaults should be good. Or, rather, I recommend not changing the rest of the defaults. Select OK.
f) Select Build>>Create Release Dynamic Link Library.
That should do it. If you need to make an edit to your .c file you should do so before building the DLL. I recommend rebuilding the DLL without modifications first, just to make sure everything compiles without errors. Then rebuild with your edits.