05-14-2012 10:28 AM
05-16-2012 08:21 AM
Hello Joel,
I will double the check the device`s manual,to verify if there is a command to adjust the display resolution. I guess you are using the driver from ni.com/idnet, is not uncommon to find some unexpected behavior as this driver is not certified or supported by National Instruments. you can always try to modify the driver`s code.
Mart G
05-16-2012 12:36 PM
05-16-2012 01:02 PM
Are you actually seeing just integer values in the raw string that is returned or is it simply on your front panel indicator? You would actually need to open the subVI that is doing the read and probe the output of the VISA/GPIB Read to see the raw data.
05-16-2012 04:13 PM