Hello All,
I am running Labview 2020
cRIO 9064
EtherCAT to ATI Mini58 Force/Torque Sensor
In general, the PDO read/write works (running headless as a start up app on cRIO).
The issue I'm having is, when I run either (blocking/unblocking) SDO read example vi, I lose the ability to read the shared variables.
Process I am using:
Restart the cRIO
Wait for startup program to run
Open project
run test VI -> works, can read PDO variables and write to PDO values
run blocking Read SDO vi -> works, can read SDO values
run test VI -> error on read of variable.
I can reboot and the same thing happens.
I have been through various forum posts and examined similar other code and I can't find a reason for it.