12-19-2018 02:04 AM
Please share the list of topics that you are looking forward in Next user meeting. Also feel free to suggest any changes to the format, or timing and let us brain strom the ideas here.
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யாதும் ஊரே! யாவரும் கேளிர்!!
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-19-2018 05:53 AM
Hi Anish,
My suggestion would to to have 10 minute sessions instead of 7 minute sessions.
Maybe 6*10 instead of 7*7, effectively increasing the time by only 11 minutes by cutting down only one presentation.
Also, I feel to have one hour sessions, instead of 45 minutes. But I'm ready to consider other factors such as increasing the length resulting in boredom, lapse of concentration, etc., for the audience.
12-20-2018 06:13 AM
7*7 is actually popular among all conferences and LabVIEW users group so let us keep the same way.
My recommendation is making presentations of 40 mins rather than 45 minutes. This way only the required informations would be conveyed rather than bombarding the audience with information tsunami.
19th of March '19 works for me.