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waveform chart with still image in background

Hi, I'm using a Basic Read and Write VI to read signal from a force gauge. The signal is then converted from string to number and displayed on a waveform chart. I have two problems, they're probably small but I don't seem to be able to solve them:

1). I need to have an image in the background of the chart. When I import the image and then start the VI, the image can be seen only for the first history length, and then as the VI continues, the image dissapears. When I stop the VI, the image reappears. Why is that?

2). The image that I need to have in the background is a path of signal that will be followed by a person using the force gauge and I would like the signal in the VI to appear as a smooth wave. At the moment I'm getting spikes, see image attached. Can that be changed?
I would appreciate suggestions on how to rectify my problems.



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Message 1 of 2

Hi Ola,


I think this question would be best suited as a post on the LabVIEW forums. This forum is for issues related to the use of the PCI-5640R and PXIe-5641R. You'll probably be able to get better help by people who monitor the LabVIEW forums. Thanks for posting!


Chris W 

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