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For 5640R, how to realize Modulated Transmission and Demodulated Reception of Microphone-Signal?

I would like to use 5640R to realize Modulated Transmission and Demodulated Reception of Microphone-Signal.


The whole flow looks like: signal => modulate => transmit => receive => demodulate, is it possible?


If yes, I think I would buy some 5640R cards for my application.


I would appreciate for your suggestions or ideas about how to realize, the modulation method, the coding tips, ......


It would be better if there are some example VIs.


Thanks a lot!

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Based on the outline you gave for you application it sounds like a reasonable use case for the 5640R, though it will depend on the specifics of the application. A few questions I have are:

1. What carrier frequency will you be using?

2. What bandwidth will your signal have? I assume since you mentioned audio signals it will be around  17k but would like to be sure.

3.Will you code in LabVIEW FPGA? Or the 5640R instrument driver? More information can be found here in the Programming the NI PXIe-5641R section


The answers to these questions will give us a better understanding of your application requirements and allow us to provide better suggestions. Also you can download the 5640R driver and view the examples that ship with it to gain a better understanding on the basics of using the device. More resources can be found here.

Message Edited by jaced on 07-13-2009 12:47 PM
Signal Sources Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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