C++, Linux, NI-5114
I've noticed the interesting thing. I setup some attributes (let’s say NISCOPE_ATTR_TRIGGER_LEVEL or NISCOPE_ATTR_TRIGGER_DELAY_TIME) with non-zero value, check that the value was set correctly by reading directly from the attribute. Then I terminate the application by ctrl+C, and restart it. Right away after the initialization of the scope I read the attributes content and they are 0. Here is init code:
ViStatus rc = niScope_InitWithOptions (resName, VI_TRUE, VI_FALSE, "", &sessionId);
double delayTimeTmp, triggerLevelTmp;
niScope_GetAttributeViReal64 (sessionId, VI_NULL, NISCOPE_ATTR_TRIGGER_DELAY_TIME, (ViReal64*)&delayTimeTmp);
niScope_GetAttributeViReal64 (sessionId, VI_NULL, NISCOPE_ATTR_TRIGGER_LEVEL, (ViReal64 *)&triggerLevelTmp);
cout<<"__delayTimeTmp :"<<"__triggerLevelTmp :"<
So the device is reseted automatically despite the indicated VI_FALSE for reset option during initialization.
What can by the problem here?