05-31-2013 01:28 PM
Hello Everyone,
I think I have found an issue with the GPU Analysis toolkit and the Application Builder. Do demonstrate this, I have created a new project with the following .vi which initializes, loads the cuBLAS library and does a 2x2 matrix multiplication.
I have attached a .zip file with this project to this post. This vi works just fine in the development environment, however when I build the application and try to run it I get the following runtime error, which is generated right at the beginning after the "Initialize Device" vi.
??? in lvcublas.lvlib:Initialize Library.vi:1-> Simple GPU Test.vi<APPEND>
<b>GPU Analysis Information:</b> A GPU resource is invalid.
<b>Cause:</b> Creating a GPU resource failed.
<b>Solution:</b> Make sure the resource request was for a valid device. If so, check to see if the device supports the type of resource being created or has the amount of physical resources available to honor the request.
<b>Cause:</b> A GPU resource has been deleted explicitly.
<b>Solution:</b> Only delete the GPU resource after all processes using that resource are finished with it.
<b>Cause:</b> A GPU resource has been deleted implicitly.
<b>Solution:</b> Avoid replacing an existing GPU resource with a newly created one in situations where the resource is being cached (e.g. passed to a shift register). Once a GPU resource is no longer used, it may be scheduled for deletion internally to release system resources and avoid memory leaks.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this might be?
Some additional info
- Windows 7 64-bit
- LabVIEW 2012
- Graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
- NVIDIA Driver version
- The output of "nvcc --version" to give the CUDA version is: 5.0, V0.2.1121
- Same behaviour regardless of whether or not the built executable and/or LabVIEW is run with administrator priviledges
- System information report from MAX:
Generated report
Operating System(OS) Windows 7 Professional
OS Version
OS Info Service Pack 1
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz / Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7 / GenuineIntel / 3599 MHz
Number of Processors 8
Physical Memory 31.9 GB of RAM
Drive C:\ 329 GB of 698 GB free
Drive E:\ 1.49 TB of 1.81 TB free
Drive F:\ 192 GB of 195 GB free
National Instruments Software: Version:
CVI Run-Time
NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.6.2f0
NI-DAQmx ADE Support 9.6.2
NI-DAQmx MAX Configuration 9.6.2
NI-488.2 Software 3.1.1
NI-IMAQ Software 4.7.0
NI I/O Trace 3.0.2f0
IVI Compliance Package 4.5
LabVIEW 2012 SP1 f2 (64-bit) 12.0.1
GPU Analysis Toolkit 12.0.0
LabVIEW Run-Time 2010 SP1 10.0.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 2011 SP1 f2 (64-bit) 11.0.1
Measurement & Automation Explorer 5.4.0f0
Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2005 Support - See individual versions below.
Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2008 Support - See individual versions below.
Common (64-bit)
Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2010 Support - See individual versions below.
Common (64-bit)
NI-IMAQdx 4.0.0
NI PXI Platform Services 3.2.1
NI-PAL Software 2.9.1
NI-Serial Software 3.9.1
LabVIEW SignalExpress 6.0
NI System Configuration 5.4.0f0
NI-VISA Runtime 5.3
LabVIEW Run-Time 2011 SP1 f2 11.0.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 2012 SP1 12.0.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 8.2.1 8.2.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 8.6.1 8.6.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 2009 SP1 f6 9.0.1
LabVIEW Run-Time 2012 SP1 (64-bit) 12.0.0
05-31-2013 03:16 PM
One reason for this error is that the CUDA runtime library was not found during initialization. This will result in an invalid resource (downstream).
Are you running the app from the same system you developed it on?
06-06-2013 04:12 PM
Hi MathGuy,
Yes, I am running the app on the same system that it was developed on. Were you able to open the project I attached? I would be interested if you see the same error.
06-06-2013 04:26 PM
Which version of LV did you use to dev & build the app?
06-06-2013 07:24 PM
I had printed out the details of all of the versions of LV in the original post. But here are what you asked for again,
LabVIEW 2012 SP1 f2 (64-bit) 12.0.1
GPU Analysis Toolkit 12.0.0
LabVIEW Run-Time 2012 SP1 (64-bit) 12.0.0