GDS(Goop Development Suite)

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OpenGDS Release on VIPM

As some of you might have seen already, we've released the latest version of the OpenGDS on VIPM and from now on this will be the only place to look for newer versions of the OpenGDS.


To make the OpenGDS ready for releasing on VIPM we've had to split the toolkit into 3 packages. This was to reduce the package size and split core components. The package linked below will install the following packages:

- OpenGDS Tooling

- OpenGDS UML Editor

- OpenGDS Utils


The tooling package contains the tooling to create classes and interfaces, create methods, change icons.


The UML Editor package contains the UML Editor and needs the Tooling package to create code.


The Utils package contains vi's that can be used in your own project. this also means when you use one of these vi's you don't need to ship 90 mb vipc when you distribute your source code.


You can find this package on:


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